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  • 中文名钮祜禄·和珅
  • 别名善保
  • 性别
  • 民族 满族
  • 出生地北京西城驴肉胡同
  • 出生日期1750年5月28日
  • 逝世日期1799年2月22日
  • 职业 领班军机大臣、领侍卫内大臣等
  • 主要成就位列紫光阁功臣
  • 代表作品《嘉乐堂诗集》
  • 字号 字致斋 自号嘉乐堂、十笏园、绿野亭主人
  • 封爵一等忠襄公
  • 旗籍满洲正红旗
和珅引见奏折现身秋拍会 上有乾隆御笔朱批

中国美术网 09-05 浏览

40余件记载着清朝各类国家大事的奏折、文书,本月19日至24日集体拍卖。其中一件宠臣和珅向乾隆皇帝引见官员的奏折,是近年来在收藏市场上罕见的“和珅文物”。   ...



和珅于乾隆三十四年(1769年)踏上仕途, 参加乾隆三十四年(1769年)己丑年科举,但名落孙山。他以文生员承袭三等轻车都尉。乾隆三十七年(1772年),被授三等侍卫,被挑选为补粘杆处侍卫。乾隆三十八年(1773年),23岁的和珅由于在乾隆面前展示自己的才学。终于做了乾隆的仪仗队的侍从。












English Introduction

 He Gong (May 28, 1750 - February 22, 1799), Niu Hulu, formerly known as Shanbao, Zhaizhai, is the owner of Jiayuetang, Shihuyuan, Oasis Pavilion, Manchuria Zhenghong Banner, the minister and businessman in the middle of Qing Dynasty. On May 28, 1750, Qianlong was born in Changbao, Vice-Capital of Fujian Province. When he became an official at the beginning, he was smart and capable, and consolidated his position through the Li Shiyao case. Emperor Qianlong believed in him and married his ten young princesses to his eldest son, Fengsheng Yinde, so that He Gong not only held power, but also became a relative of the emperor's kingdom. With the growth of power, his selfish desire is also expanding day by day. By taking advantage of his position, he forms a party for private purposes, collects money and attackes political opponents. In addition, he Jing also manages industry and Commerce personally, opening 75 pawnshops, setting up more than 300 large and small silver shops, and has business contacts with British East India Company and Guangdong Thirteen Lines. He Gong held and concurrently held many key positions in the central government of the Qing Dynasty, including first-class loyal Xianggong and official Baiwenhua Palace Bachelor. His positions mainly included the Chief Cabinet Bachelor, Chief Military Aircraft Minister, Official Shangshu, Ministry of Household Shangshu, Ministry of Criminal Justice Shangshu, Li Fan College Shangshu, and also served as Head of the Cabinet Office, Academician in charge of Hanlin College, General Compiler of Sikuquanshu, Minister of Cabinet Guard. Dozens of important positions, such as the head of the infantry.

On May 28, 1750, Qianlong was born in Changbao, Fujian Province. At the age of three, his mother died of dystocia. On his deathbed, he gave birth to his brother Helin. At the age of nine, his father Changbao also died of illness. Fortunately, two brothers, Huang and Lin, from an old family, were saved from being expelled. He Jing was admitted to Xian'an Palace, and he Jing was proficient in Manchu, Han, Mongolian and Tibetan languages. He read four books and five classics more thoroughly. Teachers like Wu Shiqin and Wu Shilan.

Thirty-three years (1768) in Qianlong, 18-year-old He Gong married Feng Shi, the granddaughter of Chili Governor Feng Yinglian.

He Jing embarked on his official career in the 34th year of Qianlong (1769) and participated in the imperial examination in the ugly year of the 34th year of Qianlong (1769), but his name fell to Sun Shan. He inherited the third-class light vehicle captain as a literary student. In the thirty-seventh year of Qianlong Emperor (1772), he was appointed a third-class guard, and was selected as a guard of the sticking rod. In the thirty-eighth year of Qianlong (1773), 23-year-old He Jing showed his talent and learning in front of Qianlong. Finally, he served as a guard of honor in Qianlong.

In the thirty-eighth year of Qianlong (1773), at the age of 23, He Jing took office as Minister of Treasury and managed the Treasury. He learned how to manage the Treasury from this job. He managed the Treasury diligently and plainly, which greatly increased the stock of cloth, which made him appreciated by Qianlong.

In October of the forty years of Qianlong (1775), Hejin served as a guard at the Qianqing Gate. In November, he was raised to the rank of the Royal Front Guard and appointed the Manchukuo Vice-Capital of Zhenglan Banner.

In the first month of Emperor Qianlong's forty-first year (1776), he appointed the right waiter of the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Minister of military aircraft in March, and the Minister of the General Administration in April. In August, he was transferred to Manchukuo Vice-Capital of Xiehuang Banner. In November, he served as Vice President of the National History Museum, rewarding a champion. In December, he served as the chief administrative officer of the three banners of the Forbidden City for horseback riding.

Qianlong forty-two years (1777) in June, he served as the left waiter of the household department, and the right waiter of the office. In October, the concurrent infantry commander.

In the forty-third year of Qianlong Emperor (1778), he was impeached by the Ministry of officials, and was detained at two levels for negligence. He supervised the tax affairs of Chongwenmen and took charge of the business affairs.

In the forty-fourth year of Qianlong (1779), he was ordered to study and walk in the imperial ministers.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对